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Events and Fetes

3 min read

Events and Fetes #

Activities: #

At an event you should have at least 2-3 activities set up for children to get involved with. This is dependent on how big the event you are attending is. For a school fair you are looking at 2 activities, and for a village/town fair you should aim for 3 activities.

The activities should include at least 1 active game/drill and 1 competition.

Examples of activities you could run are:
– Penalty Shootout
– Beanbag Toss
– Guess How Many Balls In The Bucket (using mini plastic balls)
– Colouring Competition – eg. designing a mascot
– Football Dribbling or Other Skills Drills

For these activities it is always a good idea to have a prize (eg.sweets) for the children as it encourages more families to come over. It also allows you to hand out promotional material to parents whilst children take part in the activity/choose their prize.

If doing a competition you should make sure to ask for the following details:

– Child’s Name
– Child’s Age
– Parents Name
– Parents Phone Number
– Parents Email
– Permission For Marketing

This is to ensure that you are getting new leads that you can then market to.

Branding/Promotional Materials:

For events you want to make sure that your area/stall promotes S4K and shows the brand well. To show this you should have a stall set up that includes the following:

– Gazebo – for outdoors events
– Tables
– Tablecloth – preferably blue
– Pop up goals/Footballs – or other sport equipment
– Children’s Kit examples are always good/ for recruitment fairs coach kit is good to have on display
– Tablet – can book in free tasters/set up google forms for competition entries
– Promotional material on the table – eg. posters/flyers/table talkers etc.
– Banner/feather flags.

This is the minimum that you should have at an event.
You could also have merchandise eg.pens for people to take away.

You should ensure that promotional material such as flyers is relevant to the area/location at where the event is being held. Whilst the children are taking part in the activities you should be talking to the parents and giving out the flyers to them.

In terms of staffing events you should aim to always have 2 members of staff at any event. They should be confident about S4K and also ensure that they are wearing uniform. By having 2 members of staff you can have one of them leading the activities and helping children with the games, whilst the other member of staff speaks to the parent.

Raffle Prizes: #

Quite often you will be asked by schools/event organisers to offer a prize for their raffle. We offer out vouchers for different service lines, dependent to where/what the event is.

The vouchers we tend to offer are:

– FREE Day At An S4K Camp
– 1 FREE Month Of Skills Classes (football, tennis, rugby, dance, golf etc)
– 1 FREE Month Of Football Academy

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For the raffle, we usually give 1 of each prize. There is a gift voucher template on Canva so that you can print and laminate these for the event organisers to give to the prize winner.

Each voucher has a unique code, which is also then tracked in a google sheet shared with enquiries so that when the parent calls up to claim their prize, enquiries can ask for the unique code and mark it off as claimed.

The google sheet requires you to add in the following details so that these prizes can be tracked:

– The unique voucher code
– The event
– The nearest venues to that event
– Date of voucher
– Who was responsible for giving out that voucher

Competition prizes follow the same structure as raffle prizes.


The Benefits of Events/Fetes: #

Events are a great way to build awareness of S4K in the local areas, where you’re running classes and camps etc. They also allow you to have that face to face interaction with parents, particularly at school fairs where you running PE/Wraparound/After School Clubs. From doing events you are able to grab new leads through competitions/general interest, which you can then add into your mailing lists/market to, if they have given you permission to do so.

At events you are able to show off the product and get children involved in the activities which can also help to draw in leads and taster sign ups, as if a parent see’s their child interested in the activity and enjoying themselves, then they will then want to come and try out a session.



Busiest Times Of The Year: #

Events are usually busiest around the end of the summer term and the Christmas holidays, which also tend to be our busiest time of the year too! When planning events in, make sure that you have the staff available/confirmed to work the event, before making promises to the event organisers, as last minute cancellations look bad on the business. Always ensure that the event is beneficial to S4K and that it does not clash with other commitments which could be of higher importance. Try to plan ahead with events and know what you’re going to be doing on the day/who will be attending/having relevant promotional materials etc.


Materials and Assets: #

Raffle Gift Vouchers

Example Event Promotional Material

Event Table Talkers

Event Competition Collateral (1)

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Available to toddlers and kids from 18 months to 9 years.  See venues for specific age groups.  

Available to toddlers and kids from 18 months to 9 years.  See venues for specific age groups.  

Available to families with S4K Membership! Includes Christmas Party, Summer Party, Charity Sports Matches and more!

Available to children from 6 to 14 years.  See venues for specific age groups.  

Available to toddlers and kids from 18 months to 11 years.  See venues for specific age groups.  

Available to children from 4 years to 14 years and take place once every 2-3 months.  

Available to toddlers and kids from 18 months to 11 years.  See venues for specific age groups.  

Multi-activity sports camps for children from 5 to 14 years.  

Available to toddlers and kids from 18 months to 11 years.  See venues for specific age groups.  

Available to toddlers and kids from 18 months to 11 years.  See venues for specific age groups.  

Available to toddlers and kids from 18 months to 9 years.  See venues for specific age groups.  

Available to toddlers and kids from 18 months to 9 years.  See venues for specific age groups.  

Available to families with S4K Membership! Includes Christmas Party, Summer Party, Charity Sports Matches and more!

Available to children from 6 to 14 years.  See venues for specific age groups.  

Available to toddlers and kids from 18 months to 11 years.  See venues for specific age groups.  

Available to children from 4 years to 14 years and take place once every 2-3 months.  

Available to toddlers and kids from 18 months to 11 years.  See venues for specific age groups.  

Multi-activity sports camps for children from 5 to 14 years.  

Available to toddlers and kids from 18 months to 11 years.  See venues for specific age groups.  

Available to toddlers and kids from 18 months to 11 years.  See venues for specific age groups.