Welcome to my first posting in a Football Coaching Blog that we are calling The Football Edge. In a season that “The Special One” declares he is better than ever and is actually “The Happy One!” I hope this blog helps encourage some special moments and a lot of happy one’s for you and your child.
We are dedicating this blog to our young footballers and their parents to help them get the most form their football journey. We want to engage your help to create the best possible start for our kids and youth in playing, watching and coaching football – so please feel free to ask questions, share insights and make suggestions for us all to benefit. No one has the complete monopoly on insights and wisdom – not even The Special One! So do get involved …
To kick off I wanted to share some of the key principles of what we mean by going beyond the best and how at Sport4Kids we believe in creating fun and helping our little ones achieve their dreams.
What is Beyond the Best Football Coaching? Well from scouring around the world researching the best football philosophies and coaching methods we can see 3 key elements. Engagement – Fun, entertainment and inclusive consideration to build internalised passion, confidence and winning edge.
Skills – Techniques and coaching methods to develop skills, teamwork and knowledge of the game.
Physical Development – Speed, Power, Agility, Strength, Stamina
Many of the world’s coaching methods focus on one or two of these but not comprehensively across all three. There is a balance to be struck which differs with each age group, each level of maturity and even as an individual progresses on their journey.
Seeking engagement is often cited as the biggest challenge where sports and in particular football is challenged by other digital pastimes in our children. This is why virtually all coaching methods fail, in that they invariable take their focus and heritage from organizing the kids, doing skills drills and honing physical development.
Engaging – Fun excitement and engendering a passion for the game – Confidence Building – sense of well-being, developing at our own pace, feeling part of something, helping see beyond what is the
We have a mission to go beyond these norms and build something special that give our kids and parents “The Football Edge.”
No doubt others will copy but we will be the first and most authentic coaching movement to balance all three as a mission. I hope if you are reading this in ten years that we have been true to our word!?
I hope you and your own have a great sporting weekend planned and enjoy every minute of the fun, entertainment and journey!