Extra Curricular Clubs
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The Sport4Kids extra-curriculum programme is a service that satisfies many different needs for schools, children and parents:
- Extended Days – offering parents the opportunity to drop children off early at, or pick children up later from, school
- Enrichment – offering children enrichment opportunities outside of the standard curriculum, such as exercise and sport, which can enhance and improve the learning environment for children
- OFSTED – OFSTED now look at what extra-curricular opportunities are available for children when inspecting schools
- Awards – there are now national schemes that recognize and acknowledge the PE and Sport provision of schools (such as the ‘School Games Mark’) inside and outside of the standard school day
- Value Added Service – schools now need to compete with other schools to attract children to enrol. Any additional services offered by the school are highlighted to engage and attract parents to sign their child up to the school

The Sport4Kids extra-curriculum programme offer three types of extra-curriculum programmes:
General Participation – This type of club is fully inclusive, allowing any child who joins the club to enjoy the general coaching and fall in love with the sport or physical activity. It can be for the beginner or the child who wants to play but doesn’t want to compete
Team Training – Schools may request S4K Coaches to train one of the school sports teams. This may include identifying children to be in the team, running trials for children to join a team, and even going to matches and competitions with the team
Invitational Clubs – Some clubs may be targeting specific children, such as those children who do not participate in enough physical activity, or school groups that may benefit or be rewarded by attending an S4K Club
These clubs can take part before school and after school, at a time agreed with the school. Clubs can be paid for by parents via the S4K website, or by the school by invoice.
Sport4Kids work in partnership with schools to make clubs available to children and families in a way that encourages as many children to be active as possible. This sometimes means through subsidized classes, free classes or targeted groups. Please contact Sport4Kids for further details.
Some of the more popular clubs that Sport4Kids teach include football, tag rugby, cricket, tennis, hockey, netball, athletics, cross country, yoga, basketball, boot camp (fitness), ActivKids, dodgeball, scooter club, bats and balls, outdoor learning, archery, fencing, badminton.