Lunch Clubs
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Engaging Lunch Time Clubs For Schools!
Sport4Kids support schools in their drive to promote ‘Active Lunchtimes‘ to their pupils. This means that children are engaged in physical activities, but not at the expense of their play and free time away from the classroom. Lunchtime is one time during the school day where S4K can harness children’s natural energy and direct it into a variety of structured, and free play, activities. The structured activities will also help with behaviour management (children are not bored and therefore start to misbehave), and also help the school with training, practise and competition.
S4K Lunchtime Support activities include:
Disengaged/Hard to Reach Children
Alternative physical activities aimed at engaging ‘hard to reach children’ (those children who shy away from traditional sport and exercise). These activities include the ActivKids Natural Exercise Programme and Gala Sports. One of the most popular lunchtime activities is the S4K International/New Sports programme. Activities taught to children include Danish Long Ball, Kin-ball, Gaelic Football, Boccia, Kabaddi and Korfball

Intra School Competition
With the Government’s drive on Intra School competitions, S4K organize and manage a range of small tournaments and competitions between classes, school houses or other teams in a variety of sports. Older children (KS2) can also be taught within these sessions to organize and manage the competitions for themselves
Team Preparation
Experienced S4K coaches can prepare pupils and teams for inter school sports events and matches, as well as talent identification for school sports teams
Playground Leaders
Sport4Kids have designed a Playground Leaders programme to train children. This includes training and helping older children to deliver classes and activities to younger children during lunchtimes
To find out more about how Sport4Kids can support you and your school at lunchtime please click here