Teacher Training CPD
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Teacher PE and Sports Training
The S4K education assessment is unique and the PE specialist record attainment levels for every pupil on a pupil tracking system which combines National curriculum KPI’s with a breakdown of outcomes per lesson per child to show deeper evidence of coverage throughout each individual topic covered which is completed for every topic at the need of each half term and shared with each partner school.
Sample of S4K CPD Services
- Developing staff confidence in the delivery of Gymnastics, Dance, Games, Athletics, Early years PE and Outdoor and adventurous activities.
- Practical sessions on how to move from good to outstanding in PE.
- How to assess in PE and practically apply this in lessons.
- One to one bespoke support with the PE Co-ordinator- updating essential documentation pre/post Ofsted and for routine review.

- Demonstration lessons with classes previously unseen to all age groups with staff observing.
- Paired lessons with SLT or the PE coordinator to ensure quality assurance.
- Mentoring and one to one support.
- Evidencing the impact of the PE and Sport Premium
- Meeting the requirements of the new National Curriculum and Ofsted expectations
- Identifying gifted and talented children and how to sustain high quality provision for all
- How to show progression from Foundation through to Key Stage 2
- Supporting the PE Co -ordinator and developing targeted support in areas such as: Action planning, developing a PE folder, paired lesson observations for monitoring and quality assurance, writing a bespoke PE policy.
- Quality assurance of external providers to ensure high quality and safe practice is being delivered
- Developing an easy to use assessment system to ensure planning and progression
- How to develop an outstanding Physical Education provision
We are passionate about Physical Education and school sport and the numerous benefits they bring to a child’s life. We believe Physical Education should maintain a core stability within the timetable of a school to not only develop a child’s physical, mental and social skills but also develop aspects of a child’s character that may go unnoticed or unaddressed in other subject areas. It is crucial that school leaders dedicate time and invest in CPD opportunities and S4K provides the perfect support package.
CPD – Leadership In Children
Playground Sports Leaders Training for your children and staff to make your school more active! This training has been designed to ensure that your sports leaders are trained and are fully equipped to deliver fun and engaging games straight away! We will contact the PE leader prior to the day to ensure that the day is bespoke to your school. The day includes practical training for play-leaders to explain the best way to deliver games to promote high levels of fun and activity at playtimes. The session includes the trainer guiding the children to practice and improve their skills with a class or classes of children on the day so they can experience how to adapt games for different year groups and can independently run the sessions safely straight away!!