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PE Curriculum Map

< 1 min read

What is a PE Curriculum Map? 

To comply with Ofsted and National Curriculum requirements, schools need to produce a curriculum map for learning for each year group, demonstrating how skills are developed year on year.  There are specific activities that need to be covered to ensure that our partnership with the school is compliant with the National Curriculum. Broadly speaking, these activities look like:

Key Stage 1: Invasion style games (e.g. ActivKids bat and ball, Team 1, Team 2, striking and fielding etc), dance and gymnastics.

Key Stage 2:Invasion style games (e.g. hockey. netball, football, rugby etc), dance, gymnastics and outdoor activity and adventure (OAA)*

*OAA needs to be covered in the school’s curriculum but is sometimes covered by residential trips or extra curricular clubs. It is best to ask your partner school to be sure.

S4K provide a detailed Physical Education Handbook which can be tailored to each school partner to suit their need based on the curriculum decided on in the Kick Off meeting with the PE coordinator.


Materials and Assets:

S4K Network Partner Resources\Products and Services\Schools\PESS\PESS Physical Education Handbook


S4K University:

S4K Schools Kick Off

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Available to toddlers and kids from 18 months to 9 years.  See venues for specific age groups.  

Available to toddlers and kids from 18 months to 9 years.  See venues for specific age groups.  

Available to families with S4K Membership! Includes Christmas Party, Summer Party, Charity Sports Matches and more!

Available to children from 6 to 14 years.  See venues for specific age groups.  

Available to toddlers and kids from 18 months to 11 years.  See venues for specific age groups.  

Available to children from 4 years to 14 years and take place once every 2-3 months.  

Available to toddlers and kids from 18 months to 11 years.  See venues for specific age groups.  

Multi-activity sports camps for children from 5 to 14 years.  

Available to toddlers and kids from 18 months to 11 years.  See venues for specific age groups.  

Available to toddlers and kids from 18 months to 11 years.  See venues for specific age groups.  

Available to toddlers and kids from 18 months to 9 years.  See venues for specific age groups.  

Available to toddlers and kids from 18 months to 9 years.  See venues for specific age groups.  

Available to families with S4K Membership! Includes Christmas Party, Summer Party, Charity Sports Matches and more!

Available to children from 6 to 14 years.  See venues for specific age groups.  

Available to toddlers and kids from 18 months to 11 years.  See venues for specific age groups.  

Available to children from 4 years to 14 years and take place once every 2-3 months.  

Available to toddlers and kids from 18 months to 11 years.  See venues for specific age groups.  

Multi-activity sports camps for children from 5 to 14 years.  

Available to toddlers and kids from 18 months to 11 years.  See venues for specific age groups.  

Available to toddlers and kids from 18 months to 11 years.  See venues for specific age groups.