
S4K Class Return!

We are delighted to be welcoming everybody back to our toddler and kids sports classes.  The Covid-19 outbreak has been a challenge of a magnitude that has rocked everybody’s life.  The physical and mental health of our families needs to become the priority as we rebuild our society.  S4K are leading the way in providing a safe return to sports activities and are beginning a phased approach to opening classes again.

You can see the current class and venue launching list by hitting the timetable button below.  We will be updating this list every week as we phase more and more classes into returning.

You can find our polices, procedures and risk assessments for ensuring the safe return to indoor sport by clicking on the links below…

Indoor Covid-19 Safe Policies

Indoor Covid-19 Safe Procedures

Indoor Covid-19 Safe Risk Assessment

Here is a message from Sport4Kids COO and Co-Founder, Dr Mark Gould…

Here is a list of the main measures that we are implementing to make everybody feel safe…

Phased Approach – There will be a phased and careful return. In the first phase, our classes will be taking place outside wherever possible.  Where bad weather disrupts this and indoor facilities are not suitable, replacement Zoom lessons will be made available online.  S4K TV classes and Zoom lessons will also be available to those who are unable to return to live classes too.  We are continuing our S4K TV classes so you can also catch up and be active the rest of the week.

Listening to Parents- We have also been listening to parents and what is important to you. There is a great demand for exercise, socialising, learning and development as well as helping re-build confidence in or children. Our recent survey showed whilst keen to get back to classes quickly, you would like to see certain safety measures prioritised. We have been listening and we have put lots of measures in place for you and your children to return to classes and socialise with their friends.

Parents – We need you to make sure no one in your family is showing symptoms and are not in self isolation the week before attending class. At the venue you will be asked to sign a declaration and coaches will ask about any temperatures or symptoms. We will be sending the wording of the declaration out to you ahead of time, so have a little read. We ask that only one adult attends and no siblings are brought along in the first phase of re-opening. Also there may be limited toilet facilities at the venues in the first phase, so we ask you and your little one to use the facilities at home before leaving for class.  We want to keep you involved in your child’s development and love having you involved with our lessons.  For the moment, this will need to happen at a distance and parents can expect to be positioned around the playing area at safe distance from each other.

Equipment & Operations – Before you arrive at the venue and between classes, the equipment will be disinfected by the appointed trained Hygiene Official.  We have taken steps to avoid as much contact as possible and would ask you to follow our one way systems and avoid touching gates, doors or fencing. On arrival, you will be asked to disinfect you and your child’s hands, sign the declaration and your child will be given their equipment, which they will use for the entire lesson. Physical contact is an important part of recognition and building relationships with children, but our coaching team will be replacing high fives and handshakes with Wi-Fis (contactless high fives) and the S4K Salute!

Lesson Plans – We have re-designed the lessons to be virus safe! We have done a lot in the schools to re-design sports and activities to respect social distancing and we have used that experience to re-write all our lesson plans to respect as much as possible the two-metre rule.

Dedicated Bubble System – Coaches will teach your child in a dedicated “Bubble” within the class based on the school system.  We at S4K have been at the forefront of supporting schools with key worker children throughout the pandemic and our coaches are trained in this system.  This means that the same children will remain with the same coach throughout.  For toddlers, you can expect 7-8 children per coach with their parent.  For any child over 3 years, there will be one coach allocated to 8-10 children.    We also ask that only one parent attend the class with your child to minimise bodies at the venues.

PPE Equipment – There will be a PPE and Hygiene Stations at each and every venue. PPE is there for when there may be an emergency and coaches and parents have to be closer than the recommended two metres. PPE is not recommended in a school environment and the health authorities have advised that wearing PPE in all circumstance may be more counter-productive as contamination of PPE equipment, when used over prolonged period, is likely.

Coach Training – Finally there are measures we have taken with our coaches. A lot of time and effort has gone into honing safety features. Our coaches have received in depth training – both practical and digitally via the S4K University – on how to operate within our new environment and the safety measures required to keep you, your loved ones and our team as safe as possible.

Our membership fees will resume from the 1st July at the discounted rate of £20 for families at venues that are open and normal subscription will return from the 1st August.  If you do not wish to return to classes at the moment, please email enquiries@sport4kids.biz to request that classes remain on pause.

We look forward to welcoming you and your loved ones back to the S4K Family!
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Available to toddlers and kids from 18 months to 9 years.  See venues for specific age groups.

Available to toddlers and kids from 18 months to 9 years.  See venues for specific age groups.

Available to families with S4K Membership! Includes Christmas Party, Summer Party, Charity Sports Matches and more!

Available to children from 6 to 14 years.  See venues for specific age groups.

Available to toddlers and kids from 18 months to 11 years.  See venues for specific age groups.

Available to children from 4 years to 14 years and take place once every 2-3 months.

Available to toddlers and kids from 18 months to 11 years.  See venues for specific age groups.  

Multi-activity sports camps for children from 5 to 14 years.

Available to toddlers and kids from 18 months to 11 years.  See venues for specific age groups.  

Available to toddlers and kids from 18 months to 11 years.  See venues for specific age groups.  

Available to toddlers and kids from 18 months to 9 years.  See venues for specific age groups.

Available to toddlers and kids from 18 months to 9 years.  See venues for specific age groups.

Available to families with S4K Membership! Includes Christmas Party, Summer Party, Charity Sports Matches and more!

Available to children from 6 to 14 years.  See venues for specific age groups.

Available to toddlers and kids from 18 months to 11 years.  See venues for specific age groups.

Available to children from 4 years to 14 years and take place once every 2-3 months.

Available to toddlers and kids from 18 months to 11 years.  See venues for specific age groups.  

Multi-activity sports camps for children from 5 to 14 years.

Available to toddlers and kids from 18 months to 11 years.  See venues for specific age groups.  

Available to toddlers and kids from 18 months to 11 years.  See venues for specific age groups.